Tuesday, September 7, 2010

potty training diary: Day 1

she looks super cute for a reason!
Casual potty training method (we've tried this the past few weeks).  We did the intense method with Annabelle, but she was trained before dinner so I haven't taken this seriously and we're a month at it at this point and no closer to training when we started.  I was a bit cocky and not wanting to devote a few summer days to training:
  1. let's try running around naked because most kids won't pee on themselves:  "oh no! Aiya pee on floor!" she says.
  2. let's try training panties because then she'll feel wet:  "Aiya go big potty," she says as she wets her panties.
Serious potty training method:  Obviously, the casual method didn't work, so we'll give this a try...
Today is the girl's first day of school.  It's raining and we're staying home until we get this.  "They say" it can take a few days, so we're sticking close to home and settling it...  I bought the big juice, M & M's & fruit snacks for incentive, all panties are washed and a load of clothes is a few pair of panties short waiting to be put on :)  Here goes nothing!
  1. 10:30 the panties are on... "MaryAlice, you're panties are wet and it's only been 2 minutes!" I say as I realize it's just the huge cup of juice I gave her to help her to go more often so we get plenty of practice, ooops!  We sat on the potty... nothing yet!
  2. 10:40 "MaryAlice, do you need to go potty?" I ask. "No," she says.
  3. 10:47 "Oh!" she says.  "Not on the couch!" I yell.  First pair of panties bites the dust and I'm scrubbing the couch (couldn't she stick with the washable floor?) She could care less about no M & M or my displeasure...  I give her more juice so we can "practice" again- sucker!
  4. 11:30  "Let's go on the potty,"  I say.  "What? Stop! you're peeing in the closet on your baby!"  Thanks to all the juice we've wet the floor, baby, sweater and of course... panty #2 and it's not even noon!  We can't even make it to every hour on the potty to try.  Let's start every half hour...
  5. 11:45  I guess she finished peeing on her third pair of training panties!  Washer on.  Naked?  wondering if she'll stop with nothing on or another panty?  hmmm... is something wrong with her?  If this keeps up, I'm headed to Target for more diapers and we'll try again next month.  Maybe she's not ready? Calm down, Allison, she will do it eventually.  It's only been an hour and I'm preparing for defeat... impressive, mom.  Headed for my third cup of coffee... maybe mommy will get treats when she goes?  good idea, thanks Auntie.  Mommy goes potty: gets treats; Elmo goes potty:  get treats;  fun game!  running to put Bear on potty- biff!  she slips... kiss owie. that went well- not so much.  Now I'm cringing when she sucks down the rest of her juice. 
  6. 12:25  "let's try go potty!" I say.  We sit... We pee!!! Yay!  Do a dance!  I need to get a life, yet I'm easily amused- that's not bad, right?
  7. 12:45  "Go big potty!"  she says.  "You already went," I despair.
  8. 12:55 no underwear on.  Mommy goes big potty: get treat; MaryAlice go big potty: get treat? YAY!!!!
  9. 1:05 "you smell," I say.  "you need to go poop on the potty?"  "Yes!" she replies and then goes on the toilet!!! YAY! one less dirty diaper today!  What's the score?  2 me and 4 for her...
  10. 1:30 Let's have lunch together!  no panty on (all in wash), enjoying a nice lunch just the two of us... drip... drip... drip!  running down her chair onto the floor.  Cleaned the floor by hand. scrubbed the chair (it needed it).  "want to go 'nigh 'night"  she said.  I obliged.  time for a long, hot shower.
  11. When she woke up from her nap until the time I left (date night at Sams club) she was dry!!! let's see what tomorrow brings...

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